Title : The Amazing Spider-man Movie Muscle Costume
The Amazing Spider-man Movie Muscle Costume
Product Features
- 100% Polyester
- Jumpsuit with muscle torso and arms with fabric hood
- Child Sizes: 4-16
- Official Marvel Licensed Costume
What Poeple Says :
By Rebecca Richards (Cape Coral, Fl)I could not believe I got this so cheap! It is truly movie quality...bought for my sons superhero 4th b'day. It was unbelievably realistic and such a hit. He wears it all the time now and its held up like no other muscle costume we've ever got him!!!
By Jorge
I used it for my elder son who is 2nd grade. Suit is fits well and the muscles look good. Funny it has 10 pack abs!! also would recommend the manufacturer try to improve on the yellow eye piece as my son complains it rubs it eyelashes. We cut out the eye piece on the mask and the suit works great!! great asthetics!!
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