Title : Disguise Toddler Spider Man Muscle Costume
With this Toddler Muscle Spiderman Costume your little one will feel empowered like a real super hero! The masked superhero with incredible powers is now your toddler with the help of this Spiderman Costume including signature superhero jumpsuit with muscle torso and arms as well as a fabric half-cap mask to keep children safe when fighting injustice! Perfect for the Spiderman fanatic, this costume is great for Halloween and all year around.My 3 yo son completely freaked out when he saw this costume. We bought it on August 18 after one month of him begging us to get a Spider-man costume. It was so much fun. He was trying to climb the walls in the living room. The costume has "muscles" which is completely hysterical! TOO FUNNY!!! We could barely get it off of him to take a bath. This coupled with a pair of [...] Spider-man gloves to match are the bees knees. Unbelievable fun for a 3 year old!!! And for us, also!!! Get out your video camera for this one, folks!
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